Bee Day
This is a big annual event for our club held in the springtime at Foothills Honey Farm in Colton Oregon. It is a great opportunity for new beekeepers to get a chance to examine a colony with an experienced beekeeper. There are generally 2 sessions out with the bees and then 1-2 educational sessions with a variety of speakers on pertinent beekeeping topics. In addition, we have an auction of many beekeeping and non-beekeeping items that is a fundraiser for our club.

Bee School
Beekeeping For The 1st Year And Beyond: Longtime experienced beekeeper and PMBA member John Rockrohr has been putting on this school for our club at Clackamas Community College each year in February. It typically is over 2 weekends. This is an excellent opportunity for new and experienced beekeepers to learn about the art and science of beekeeping.

Queen Rearing
In late April or early May, PMBA often has a queen rearing class. It usually has 3 sessions. This first is a didactic class going over the basics of queen rearing. The second class is practice grafting and the third is grafting for real. The students will often get 2-3 mature queen cells for their use. Class sizes are limited.

Ever want to learn how to make the world's oldest alcoholic beverage? We have classes in mead making.