Join us Or Renew your membership

Whether you are applying as an individual or a family, the cost is the same.  If applying as a family, give us the single best email to reach you.

Club benefits include:

  •  Reduced costs for nucleus colonies, sugar, queen bees, wooden ware, mite treatments and other hive related products
  •  Free access to our library of over 140 bee related books
  •  Free use of extracting equipment    
Individual/Family - $27.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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PMBA offers a limited number of financial scholarships to pay for annual dues for individuals for whom this is a significant hardship.  Please contact president@portlandmetrobeekeepers for more information. 

IMPORTANT: Portland Metro Beekeepers Association (PMBA) respects the privacy of its members and will never sell any information supplied. We do have a members only directory that you can opt into if you desire. By filling out this membership form you agree to hold the PMBA harmless for any accident or injury you might receive as a result of participating in any PMBA meetings or sponsored events. 

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software