Raffle ItemsPMBA is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and this is our only public fundraiser of the year. If you can contribute, contact communicator@portlandmetrobeekeepers.org today! Your support helps PMBA:
| Bee Day FAQsWhat is Bee Day?The Portland Metro Beekeeping Bee Day is an opportunity for new beekeepers, or those who are thinking about beekeeping, to explore beekeeping hands-on and learn from experienced beekeepers. Attendees get to look inside real, live colonies and see how bees are handled, ask questions of honeybee experts, and form relationships that will help along the beekeeping journey. It is also the biggest fundraiser for PMBA, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that exists to support research and help educate local beekeepers.
Who can come? Do I need to already have a beehive?Anyone interested in bees or beekeeping is invited, even if they aren’t currently keeping bees. What will be I be doing at Bee Day?There are speakers, hive inspections in the bee yard, “ask a beekeeper,” lunch, snacks, vendors, and a raffle. What should I wear?Long pants and a long sleeved shirt/jacket with a hood or hat. Also wear closed toed shoes and bring gardening or other sturdy gloves. We will have a limited amount of bee suits and veils to lend. Please do not wear any products with fragrance, as this will attract bees to you. Will I get stung?Normally honey bees won’t sting unless provoked. However, since the Bee Day takes place in a large bee yard and there will be colonies of bees present, there is a possibility of stings. Therefore it is important to dress appropriately. What about the weather?It is a good idea to check the forecast and dress appropriately - we will be outside much of the day. |